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Friday, January 15, 2010

Day 15

So I'm fifteen days in and I'm a hot mess. I only down 3 pounds right now. 247.2. Sad.

I was bad. I was off the last two days and didn't do any work outs. I put back on 2-3 pounds. I ate popcorn and cookies and sunflower seeds. BACON! Boy was I bad. At least if I'm gonna do stuff like that I gotta work harder on my five days of workouts. I missed the fifth day of my commitment to working out 5 days a week. I gotta step it up a notch. I'm demotivated but motivated. I'm demotivated because I'm not maintaining my weight loss, but I'm motivated that at least its coming off. Doesn't help that I keep putting some back on.

I bought that fancy new scale I wanted. It's huge. It tells you your weight (of course), your Body Mass Index, you water percentage and your bone mass (or something like that). It says I'm 53% Body FAT. OMG! That's crazy! My husband thinks I'm crazy trying to lose a hundred pounds, expecially in one year, he thinks I'm too old to ever see that weight again. We'll see. I'm gonna try and prove him wrong. But the scale is basically saying if I lose half my weight (provided its all fat) I'd be at zero body fat. I know that ain't possible, that's for sure. Either way, I don't want to get crazy about the numbers. For now I just want to see the weight loss. The only number that matters to me is the the scale's numbers showing my weight going down.

I've got to get cracking!

Starting Weight: 250 Pounds
Weight Now:     247.2 Pounds

Food Diary: Last night I had, chicken breast with a huge salad, about 8 iced oatmeal cookies, a cup of sunflower seeds, 8 chicken nuggets (Mcd's) earlier.

Workout Yesterday: None

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