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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

My husband...he did it.

So, the other day I was writing my blog and I was saying how my husband and I have been together for 17 years and we've grown very comfortable with one another, as most married couples do. We've always had fun together but most of our lives we've done the same fun stuff, dinner and a movie. We both love to eat and we both love to watch movies, so its no wonder that I'm 250 pounds and he was up to 300 pounds. But no matter what, he and I have always given each other same unconditional love, I love you no matter what. And its true. He's nine years older than me so when he's old and gray and I'm still a sexy, spring chicken, I'm still gonna love him. We 've put each other through the paces in the last 17 years, and not matter what, we still love each other. I've never minded his weight...and he's never minded mine...until now.

Recently,  June 2009, he purchased P90x. We also happened to get a treadmill right about the same time, gifted by my mother to my daughter (7 years old) which actually was really great. So he started working out and he was walking and doing the workouts then going to work and lifting weights with his buddies on his lunch break. He did amazing. He lost a ton of weight. At his lowest, last year, I think he was down to 260 or 265. He looked great. He felt great. He feels great. Now, he's put a couple pounds back on over the holidays, due to my unintentional and quite innocent sabotage of him. The whole holiday I made all his favorites and even created some new ones. But he's back on the band wagon now and headed back down the scale. His goal is about 225. I'm sure he'll be able to do it.

I have to say, I love my husband's new body. He's really looking sexy. But I also have to say I feel threatened in some way by how CLOSE his weight is to mine. I would not be happy if I weighed more than my husband. I see those couples all the time and you always think, "what does he see in her?". I don't want that to be me. So pretty much everything is contributing to my new found zeal to lose weight.

Well, after repeated reaffirmations and conversations, he finally did it. He finally said, "I want you to lose weight.". How devastating! ...ok, not really. Who wouldn't want a hot, young wife? I get it. I just thought he'd always be ok with me however I was...and he's not even though he still says he is. To his credit, it probably took him the last 10 years to say that, he's very sweet and kind to me. He even went so far as to say if it doesn't happen thats fine, he will always love me, however I am, no matter what, but he'd like to me to try because there would be so many benefits, I would be so sexy, sex would be better...I'd live longer. I can't argue with any of that. I was motivated before but I'm really motivated now. I haven't been doing real well the last 5 days. I've been finishing off all the indulgences in the house, as opposed to throwing them away. Stupid. I'm never going to make my goal unless I get with it. I want to do it for me, and for my kids and for him. I want him to be proud of me and proud to be seen with me. So I'm ready.

Starting Weight: 250 Pounds

Weight Now: 248.8 Pounds

Workout: 30 minutes on the treadmill (185 calories burned)

Food: Tea, water, sandwich (roast beef, cheddar cheese, mayo, tomato, wheat bread), four pieces of baked chicken with hot sauce (3 thighs, 1 drum leg)

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